Thursday, January 14, 2010


DOOR DUTY TONIGHT: D. Winn & J. Lizotte

Thank you all for the excellent support and participation in our art & film show. The response from the community was unanimous – you guys are very talented! In the art show, there were 102 ballots cast for best of show, with 31 different pieces of art getting at least a single vote. The top six vote getters were (in no particular order) – Pat Hickman (self portrait), Ray Morkeberg (porcupine), Ashton Geelan (painting), Victoria DeShazer (gargoyle), Gunner Jordan (elephant bank) & Marcy Kroeschel (hippo). I will announce the winning artwork and the artist who received the most total votes. (MRS. PALMER)

Many thanks to Mrs. Vestal, Mrs. Palmer and the art/film students for the presentation Tuesday evening. Great job! (SMITH)

Spring semester 8th grade English students: If you participate in the spelling bee, I’ll give you extra credit in class. (CHIAVERINI)

Foreign Language Club: Meeting Friday at break in my room. If you do not attend meetings you will not be able to go on a field trip in the spring. (CHIAVERINI)

If you loaned something to decorate for Winter Ball, please collect it from the Foods Room. (HAALAND)

Driver’s Education: Mandatory parent/student meeting (1 parent/guardian is needed only). This will take place January 19th or January 20th – you pick which day works for you. It will take place in room 128 at 7:30 p.m. We will fill out important paperwork for getting licensed and go over class expectations and other important issues. Please bring with you your birth certificate and social security number. (JONES)

Seniors: Stop by the office in the next few days and sign up for a walking partner for graduation. We need to get this done before the end of the semester. (OFFICE)

If you know someone who needs a piano tuned, please have them call Mr. Adams THIS WEEK. Our piano tuner is coming early next week and we want him to have plenty of work so he will come back. (ADAMS)

Strategy Team meeting TODAY during both lunches in the library. Plan to attend if you are going skiing. (STEVER)

Fashion Club will begin meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays in the art room downstairs. New members are welcome. (S. KELSEY)

Sign up sheet/permission forms are at the office for the January 15th, New Horizons ski trip to Schweitzer. A lift ticket is $8.00, equipment rental is $12.00. If you have your own equipment and/or season pass you only need to fill out the forms. Please return paperwork/money to Ralph Stever or the high school office by Thursday, January 14th. (STEVER)

SKI TRIP JANUARY 29. The elementary school is selling lift tickets for $8 and a high school bus will leave for Schweitzer at 2:05 on Friday the 29th. If you want a lift ticket, you have to buy it from the elementary school. If you want to ride the bus, you need to sign up in the office with a blue slip signed by your parents. Equipment rental is on your own. You will be back in Troy around 10 pm. (RALSTON)

Montana Children’s Theater will have tryouts for “Rumplestiltskin starting Monday, February 1st. There will be practice every night after school and two performances on Saturday, Feb. 6th. (OFFICE)

AP students, Native Son, is due the first day of class. “Their Eyes” is due on the 25th. Merci. (MRS. C.)

Second semester STW people: Second semester begins on Jan. 21. All placements are first-come first-serve. Reserve early for the best placement. (HERMAN)

Ms. Willis’s room will be open 1 hour after school on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons. You can catch up on homework, type essays, do research etc. (WILLIS)

Break detention is in Mr. McDougall’ room this week. (OFFICE)

8th graders: This week’s schedule is ABABA. (PALMER)

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